Friday, October 2, 2015

Input and Output Data in C programming language

Hey guys! How are u today? Yesterday, I already told you how to write with C programming language. Now, I will explain you how the process input and output data in C programming language. Check this out!

Try this code, then click build and run, to run this code.

It will show the blank page. Depends the code that we write, we must input two integers to try this program. 

Input two integers, then click enter. It will show the sum of the integers that we've input.

That's all the example of input and output. The scanf function is used to take input from us as the user. The input is the value in variable x and y. The scanf is the standard input in c programming language. The printf function is used to take output from the program. The output is the value of sum from the input. The printf is the standard output in c programming language.

Beside integers, there are so many data types in c programming language that can we use. This is the table of data types.

For the more information you can visit:
for input and output in c programming language.
for the input redirection.

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